Mother Nature provided the planet Earth with a Nitrox atmosphere known as air. She never said it was the best breathing medium for divers. - Dr. Morgan Wells, NOAA, 1965

Deeper. Longer. Safer.
In the late eighties I was fortunate to be a part of a community of pioneers who introduced Nitrox, Trimix, and technical diving to Canada. This was at a time when these advanced diving techniques were not widely available or accepted. Our efforts focused on promoting the benefits of using enriched air like Nitrox and Trimix for deeper, longer, and safer dives, particularly in challenging Canadian waters. As a result, we shaped the technical diving landscape in the country, providing divers with access to new technologies and training.
So much came of those efforts including continuous flow gas blending systems, helium analyzers, mixed gas diving computers and specialized caving equipment, all-Canadian led innovations. Yet somewhere along that journey the Canadian diving community’s appreciation and understanding of Nitrox faded.
To rekindle this movement, Club Voodoo was formed as a platform to reintroduce the value of enriched air Nitrox gasses and continue the advancement of technical diving in Canada. The club serves as a community hub for divers seeking to embrace the advantages of modern gas mixes, furthering the legacy in diving innovation and education started by Canadian pioneers.
Bill Nadeau, Founder
Re-Igniting a movement - Where we are and where we need to be.
The Challenge
Recognizing there has been a massive paradigm shift back into compromised diving practices, our efforts must now focus on asking why and how do we bring it back? In leadership training we initiate positive change by first framing our challenge around a statement that clearly identifies our desired state.
How might we rekindle the value of enriched air Nitrox and help divers understand and embrace the advantages of modern gas mixes?
What are the barriers that are preventing Canadians from accessing and diving Nitrox. Club Voodoo was established to overcome the barriers hindering the advancement of Nitrox and mixed gas technology. When taking on any challenge, success begins with building a community. Club VooDoo is that community.
Read Bill's Blog 'Nitrox: An Endangered Technology'